Shanghai to bid for IRB Sevens World Series


The China Rugby Football Association (CFRA) have submitted their intention to bid to host a leg of the IRB Sevens World Series in 2015 and beyond. The location of the proposed event is Shanghai, China’s most economical developed city, and given its proven track record of hosting some of the World’s top sporting events should be an attractive proposition.

The city also has the precedent of staging the successful Shanghai Sevens which is currently part of the Asian Rugby Football Unions (ARFU) Asian Sevens Series event. The Shanghai Sevens has already achieved status as the largest and most successful rugby tournament in China. For the past five years, the tournament has been a showcase event for the top regional and national teams in Asia.

Rugby sevens is growing steadily in China and its Olympic credentials are helping to forge new markets and interest around the world. As such a tender process with IRB with regards upgrading the Shanghai Sevens to full World Sevens Series status is a natural progression. It also has potential to open up rugby further in the World’s most populous nation and would no doubt create new commercial opportunities for the sport.
The formal IRB tender process for the next cycle of the Sevens World Series is due to start shortly with hosting cities confirmed later in the year.



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